Mexico Students Take Pills, Fight Drowsiness In Dangerous TikTok Challenge. With the slogan "The last one to fall asleep wins," the challenge consists of staying awake after taking clonazepam, a drug used to treat seizures, panic attacks, and anxiety.
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In Mexico, more and more teenagers are taking part in a dangerous TikTok challenge - now authorities are stepping in and urgently warning parents against the trend.
The whole thing is called the "Clonazepam Challenge" or "Last one to fall asleep wins." It involves teenagers bringing the drug clonazepam, customarily used to treat epileptic seizures, to school. Then, before class, the students take the drug - and try to stay awake as long as possible.
The winner of the challenge, as the name suggests, is the one who falls asleep last. That's because one side effect of clonazepam is severe drowsiness.
Other side effects: Drowsiness, faintness, decreased muscle tone, muscle weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, impaired balance, and prolonged reaction time.
Paramedics had to treat five underage students participating in the challenge at a school in Mexico City, according to authorities. Three more cases were reported in the northern state of Nuevo Leon.
The viral dare has also occurred in other Mexican states since early January. On January 9, seven students in Veracruz were also "slightly poisoned" after consuming clonazepam, according to emergency medical services.
According to the police report, the teenagers had 30 clonazepam pills. A spokesman announced a detailed investigation of the case. Above all, he said, it is interesting how the students got hold of the pills.
Users had recently posted videos on TikTok in which they filmed themselves after taking the drug. Other users posted videos warning of the health risks associated with it.